Get In Touch

At Château de Nages, we invite you to discover wines that express the passion of their winemaker and the soul of our eco-friendly vineyards in a warm, convivial environment.

Tasting Room

Our tasting room is just 5 kilometers to the south of Nîmes.


Open Monday to Saturday from 10am to noon & from 3:00pm to 7:00pm.
Closed on Monday, June 24



Château de Nages
Chemin des Canaux
30132 Caissargues - France

Get in Touch

Office : 33 (0)4 66 38 44 30
Wine Tasting Room : 33 (0)4 66 38 44 33
Fax : 33 (0)4 66 38 44 39
Email : document.write(''+'i'+'n'+'f'+'o'+'&'+'#'+'6'+'4'+';'+'c'+'h'+'a'+'&'+'#'+'1'+'1'+'6'+';'+'e'+ 'a'+'u'+'d'+'e'+'n'+'&'+'#'+'9'+'7'+';'+'&'+'#'+'1'+'0'+'3'+';'+'&'+'#'+'1'+'0'+'1'+';'+'s'+'&'+'#'+ '4'+'6'+';'+'c'+'o'+'&'+'#'+'1'+'0'+'9'+';'+'');[Turn on JavaScript to see the email address]

GPS Coordinates
Latitude N 43,79172° and longitude E 4,37274°

Rendez-Vous Terroirs guarantees outstanding hospitality and tasting conditions. Enhance your wine tourism experience by visiting the vineyards of the Rhône Valley.

  • Chemin des Canaux
  • 30132 Caissargues
  • France
  • Tel: +33 4 66 38 44 30
  • Email:

To enter our website, you must be of legal drinking age in your country.